(insert description later)
All fandoms.
Team Fortress 2 - Why Rainbows Make Me Cry, LightningsShadow118
Transformers - Victory Condition, astolat
Robots-Isaac Asimov - Nice Work If You Can Get It, astolat
John Wick (Movies) - Made Men, manic_intent
Chronicles of Narnia - National Service, burntcopper
The Legend of Zelda - Interim, starkraving
Naruto - Doing The Work, MarbleGlove
Bleach - First Contact, Tozette
Boku no Hero Academia - Hero Class Civil Warfare, RogueDruid
The Hobbit (Movies) - A Way Things Should Be, LullabyKnell
Batman - An Experiment in Posthumous Subsistence, trill_gutterbug
Star Trek - The Lotus Eaters, aldora89
Good Omens - The Sacred and Profane, afrai
Good Omens - Once More With Pharoahs, Duinemerwen
Good Omens - Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma, Nnm
Homestuck - The Serendipity Gospels, urbanAnchorite
Homestuck - The Vienna Game, paraTactician
Homestuck - Hemostuck, roachpatrol, urbanAnchorite
Homestuck - The Rule of Transformation, JumpingJackFlash
Homestuck - The Eurydice Suite, callmearcturus
Star Wars - Heart of Kyber, esama
Star Wars - The Sith Who Brought Life Day, ophelia_interrupted
Harry Potter / The Addams Family - Not Just Pretty Words, LullabyKnell
His Dark Materials / Welcome To Nightvale - He Says He Is An Experimental Theologian, ErinPtah